About Us
Lord's Supper
This is the meeting where the Christians gather according to the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 22 as well as in other places such as 1 Corinthians 11. We gather around bread and a cup of wine. There is nothing special about this bread and wine but we believe that they speak of the Lord's body and His blood as the Lord Jesus himself explained. We gather each Sunday morning to remember Him, His life, death, burial and resurrection and offer thanks and worship to God the Father for what has been done for us in His Son.
All are welcome to come and observe what the Christians do each Sunday at 11am.
Gospel Meeting
Each Sunday the Christians organise a Gospel meeting. Here we preach the Gospel, or Good news, "that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1v15). We preach nothing apart from what the Bible teaches.
The Gospel meeting is in Sandringham Gospel Hall every Sunday bar the last Sunday of each month where it is held in Eden Gospel Hall. The meeting is held at 7pm in both locations.
Prayer meeting & Bible study
We meet to pray and study the scriptures on a systematic basis. We are currently working our way through the New Testament.
All are welcome to come and hear the discussions on Tuesdays at 8pm.
Bible Class
Bible class is for those who have grown too old for Sunday school but still have an interest in what the Bible has to say. We cover everything from topics that we meet in everyday life to character studies of people in the bible to in depth studies of Bible books and topics. There is also opportunity for specific topics/questions to be answered. We on occasion have special guests who sometimes take up more uncommon topics than what is usually covered.
Bible class runs in Sandringham Gospel Hall from September to June at 3:30pm
Sunday School & Children's Meeting
An interesting and varied programme specifically designed for children. Come sing choruses, learn Bible verses and here a message from God's word. You might even win a prize some nights!
All workers are compliant with current child protection legislation.
Sunday School runs September to May from 3:30-4:30pm
Children's Meeting runs October to March from 7-8pm
Both are held in Eden Gospel Hall